The Killing
Nanouk | Date: Monday, 2011-04-04, 8:21 PM | Message # 1 |
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| Bart and I are going to watch is this wednesday, so we'll post al our idea's here. But of course, if you've already seen it. Go right ahead. Ill just ignore you untill wednesday;)
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VickyVampire | Date: Tuesday, 2011-04-05, 4:59 AM | Message # 2 |
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| The Killing emanates beautifully in mood,atmosphere,style. Some on Forums are reporting Music score a bit distracting and flowed well,even with slow introspection of characters. Some found the rain in parts distracting,I for some weird reason at times found suffocating and I love rain. Linden and Holder contrast each other well can't take my eyes off them.and you wonder does Linden really want to move away does not seem that up there are doubts there I think,and she is becoming intrigued by this case,and not sure what tom Holder handling it.With Holder I get the feeling to expect anything. Yeah Billy Campbell who plays the councilmen he is perfect has an charismatic sexy slightly intense mood about him. The characters Bennett and Jamie look like way more is going on with them beneath surface. Love the character of Stanley Larson I want to hug him too. The chemistry between Mitch and Stanley is believable and beautiful,and emotions between them and family after and before the Tragedy of losing their Rosie is well done,not over done,quiet moments just right. Now for IMHO it's just weird to see Michelle play a mom just grieving right now,she plays it superb as usual and its just the Season opener,but in my mind its almost painful to see Michelle in this role,almost to passive for her, cause She's Admiral Cain,Ro Laren,Miranda Zero,A Detective or a psychiatrist,yes I know actors and Michelle like to play a variety of roles,and it's not that being a mom is not a strong role, I just hope has the story goes on I hope the character of Mitch does not become not layered enough and leaving us a bit lacking,maybe it's just a silly fear I have about it.Yeah I guess I miss Michelle being Kick Ass as she usually is in her roles. Oh God they have a blow up doll hanging from meat hook,reminds me of those weird doll heads on kids from Durham County, this is why I never liked dolls when I was a kid saw a spooky twilight Episode with dolls freaky,I did like Barbie though. One little odd moment,Mitch sis tells her why did you not speak to your daughter, on cell that whole weekend,Mitch and Stanley were camping so there maybe was an argument or something that's interesting. When the camera panned on the road with lights wetness and Stanley is yelling about Rosie and Mitch can hear it is powerful and Hitchcock like in its effect camera set up and mood. It did make me cry when they told there kids about Rosie dying that was very sad, and emotional.I guess we will see how it develops with rest of episodes. Now I know what struck me about this show someone mentioned on on comments about The Killing that Breaking Bad,Walking Dead and The Killing on AMC, all feel like you are watching a movie instead of a show yes that's it for a moment you forget it's a TV show it feels like watching a movie I love that.
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BartMan | Date: Wednesday, 2011-04-06, 11:54 PM | Message # 3 |
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| I'm curious how it will go for the rest of the season! I myself found that there were too many characters introduced, to whom we all have to feel a different way about. I also liked the father (husband of michelle) more then I thought I would. Really feel a lot of respect for him. Nan and I also said to eachother, that it took too long for michelle to freak out about her kid, kinda weird she staid so calm while police asked those questions. Though, the 90 minutes flew by as if it was only 5, really hooked me to the screen. I hope they dont spoil it like The Walking Dead X_x Michelle is skinny though...
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meerkatlady | Date: Friday, 2011-04-08, 7:23 AM | Message # 4 |
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| Yeah my Dad was saying the same about Mitch. Not to mention who doesn't call their daughter after a few days? I know when I walk down the street my Dad calls me on my cell if I take to long. So, something is up with Mitch and her husband. And Michelle looks cute in her outfits on there.
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BartMan | Date: Wednesday, 2011-04-13, 5:52 PM | Message # 5 |
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| the second episode was also very good! I really want to see more of it. Though, the focus is going to the political party, it kinda feels like the family of the victim, are only in the episode for reference. it's all "meanwhile" material. A few family shots were really good, and michelle is (too) convincing as grieving mother X_x
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VickyVampire | Date: Thursday, 2011-04-14, 4:50 AM | Message # 6 |
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| Yeah second episode very good,keeps you interested, and it seems will find out plenty more about Rosie,Holder I like but sometime he gets on my nerves and I want to smack him, God I get on my nerves and want to smack me HAHA. Yes I know what you mean about too convincing as grieving mother. The preview for third episode looks very good two.
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Nanouk | Date: Thursday, 2011-04-14, 12:12 PM | Message # 7 |
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| I just updated some more screenshots. This episode 3 was very very nice I think. It really got me more involved with the storyline. And Michelle is just breaking my heart like you said Vicky she's very convincing. There was a moment iin the episode that even Bart and me went totally quiet (that doesn't happen a lot...)
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VickyVampire | Date: Thursday, 2011-04-14, 10:36 PM | Message # 8 |
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| Maybe I'm confused about episodes did premiere count has two I thought cause it was two hours and this the 17th of April is the four episode then I guess, then I mean the previews look very interesting for fourth episode instead of 3rd. where Mitch and Stan are staring at daughter in coffin and guys at work are almost saying saying they will take care of whoever took out Rosie. Good Lord it was difficult enough watching, Durham County that was Dark enough it was heart wrenching enough for me to watch that show now this The Killing is Heartbreaking in it's gloomy,powerful,tension drama feeling also.
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Nanouk | Date: Friday, 2011-04-15, 10:43 AM | Message # 9 |
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| Pilot is always the first and second ep, like a double ep. That made last weeks ep the 3rd one So 17th will be the fourth yeah:) I havent watched the preview yet. It will be horrible enough when we get there LOL. I loved Durham County for the tiwsted-ness. I mean I havent found anything on tv that even slightly compared to the darkness of Durham County. This is dark but a different kind of dark, its just sad. But what I loved about Durham County is that it threw you for a loop. I mean even untill one of the last episodes you cant help but feel for Penn and her loss. Eventhough you already know she's doing some horrible things. You just see this horribly damaged woman who completely lost herself. And it took me pretty long untill I got to the point that I could no longer forgive her for what she had done. Thats why I never really saw Penn as 'evil', more as completely frakked up. Which made it all the more interesting to watch. I was not watching the regular 'bad mommy' series where shes evil and just wants to hurt people. No I felt really bad for her most of the time! Sympathizing with the bad guy is always a nice touch Anyway, Im not sure how far The Killing will go. I mean, we're only at episode 3 so Ill have to see how it will unfold to say if it is near as good as Durham County. Right now it still smells too much like Twin Peaks to me. Which is not a bad thing because I loved Twin Peaks:P
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VickyVampire | Date: Friday, 2011-04-15, 9:33 PM | Message # 10 |
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| Yeah I totally agree and like your assessment of Durham County and The Killing its makes sense to me. My daughter and I watched Durham County my son was not interested and my Hubby after watching three episodes looks at me and its like this show is way to dark, I wonder did more women watch Durham than men? and its not that Hubby does not like some dark shows but, I think cause it was slow and maybe scared folks a little in its darkness don't know. I know in an interview Michelle said she wished more people had watched Durham County.
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BartMan | Date: Monday, 2011-04-18, 5:13 PM | Message # 11 |
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| yeah, durham county is a very good show overall, too bad its been cancelled after season 3. the Killing is totally a kind of twin peaks, but I also hope it doesnt end like that. for now, the shots of the grieving parents are like reminders to whats going on, its not quite a bit of story line yet X_x the father needs to go search for himself, maybe threaten the politcians, well... maybe thats exactly whats gonna happen in the next ep. have not seen the one from the 17th yet!
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VickyVampire | Date: Monday, 2011-05-30, 7:50 PM | Message # 12 |
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| I guess there is only about three more episodes of The Killing left, will the show get a second season maybe and solve another case who knows. No spoilers I do not know whose watched what Look your probably aware there a ton of blogs and forums out there writing about each episode I've read most of them not going to bore you they all interesting not bad. One folks do seem to forget this story takes place in a span of days and only shows snipet of what the Larsons and Cops are going through Yes. I'm still curious about Linden a second season might illuminate more about her maybe that's coming.I know many find pace pace laborious we then my advice don't watch it go watch those fast paced shows,Folks want to watch a quality show where characters count and then they complain when it not all cars chases I know even though it's slow pace flowed better maybe maybe not. P.
Someone Named Nina Shen Rastogl- Vengeance Episode said( Michelle does great jog with her hands note the way she keeps them held against her back when Stan starts Kissing her neck or way she holds her cigarette when confronting Belko.) and I'll add the way whimper and shied away and went up the stairs. the look on her face WOW. Yes Michelle does incredible acting without even need for talking.
I'VE been thinking since Michelle has been such a tour de force in the role of Mitch who could have tackled this role if Michelle had not played it I know perish the thought, now there are lots of up and coming new actresses that probably that are not on my radar but damn not many come do mind do you guys have thought maybe Nicole Kidman could have played the role.
The character of Stephen Holder I found him aggravating and a jerk well you know that love and hate thing Oh crap now I have a full blown CRUSH on the guy yes laugh if you want.
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BartMan | Date: Monday, 2011-06-13, 5:58 PM | Message # 13 |
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| well... if they solve this case in 2 more episodes, Id be surprised, they know NOTHING about it X_x
for me, last episode was one of the best, and that one had nothing to do with the larson girl :/ they keep going back to square 1, and it's getting pretty boring now!
michelle plays great though! gotta agree with vicky, she doesnt even have to speak, its always uncomfortable to watch that mother grief over her child.
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VickyVampire | Date: Tuesday, 2011-06-14, 9:29 PM | Message # 14 |
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| New interview with Michelle.
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Nanouk | Date: Friday, 2011-06-17, 10:43 AM | Message # 15 |
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| Cool, I think Ive got time before my exam to watch tis.. hell ALWAYS time for Michelle! Ill post this to the main page aswell. Thanks Vicky!
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