Ill go first. 01) Are you currently in a serious relationship: Nope, and loving every second of it. I had two major relationships that each lasted over 2 years and resulted in living together. I've been happy single for about 2 years now and I LOVE it
I seriously do.
02) What was your dream growing up: Become famous with my band. Though we are not famous yet... I did achieve the band thing:)
03) What talent do you wish you had: Painting, or drawing in general. I can only draw stick men seriously. My young cousin of 6 draws a better cat than I do.
04) If I bought you a drink what would it be: Coffee, but if its after dinner, BEER
05) Favourite vegetable: Brocolli, which is weird cause I hated it as a kid but I seem to love it as an adult.
06) What was the last book you read: Fundamentals of human neuropsychology. But non study related: BSG - Trilogy
07) What zodiac sign are you: Cancer
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where: ATM in my belly and my lower lip. And of course some earrings (4 holes in the ears). Always looking for new ways to drill a hole somewhere LOL. Tattoo not yet, but one has been in the making for quite a while now. I just feel like I have to get it 100% right before I do it.
09) Worst Habit: Im not very patient. I can snap easily if people rub me the wrong way and usually I act out a whole lot bitchier then I meant it.
10) If you saw us walking down the street who would you offer a ride: Sure, the problem is I have a small car and we have 11 members LOL.
11) What is your favourite sport:Snowboarding, I haven't done it in a while which is a total pitty. Perhaps next year. Wintersports are just so bloody expensive.
12) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude: Little of both, Im a realist I always say. When it comes to life in general im a huge optimist, In my world, everything can happen. At work my boss thinks im a pessimist cause I usually say that his new system isnt gonna work. But thats being realistic because his new system DOESNT work.
13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me: hmm this question is weird LOL on Livejournal you have to say this about the person that posts the list but in this case ... If Id be stuck in the elevator with ALL you guys. Id have a panic attack cause of claustofobic tendencies.
[14) Worst thing to ever happen to you:] OPTIONAL -- substitute "best" or "weirdest," if you prefer: hmm.. I dont know, I believe that all things that happen add to your personality so even bad things contribute. Lets put this in the perspective of worst accident ever happening to you. Which was me going horse riding with my (at the time) girlfriend. I didn't want to but she did. horses flipped out. I ended up uncontious in the hospital with stitches in my back and a severe concussion and some scar tissue in the brain. WHOOPY.
15) Tell me one weird fact about you: weird.. uhm.. im ALL weird.
16) Do you have any pets: I have two fishies and a cat but he lives at mom and dad.
17) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly: PAARRTYYYY
19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary: Scary, very freaky!
20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be: Curly haiirrr I have extreme straight hair.
21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience: Conscience.
22) What colour eyes do you have: brown
23) Ever been arrested: no
24) Bottle or can soda: Bottle, everything in a can, tastes like can!
25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it: Buy a house in the center of Amsterdam. Then on a long holiday to the bahama's.
26) What's your favourite place to hang out at: Vondelpark in the center of Amsterdam. Every day when its good weather, Im there!
27) Do you believe in ghosts: Jup.
28) Favourite thing to do in your spare time: Play music (drummer), listen to music, watching movies etc.
29) Do you swear a lot: Yes, my co workers are always a bit annoyed with the amount of fuck I spread around
30) Biggest pet peeve: Men.... I think men are just gross. When I have male friends over and they use my bathroom... i NEED TO CLEAN IT. Bleg, everything about men is gross, they smell gross, they make a mess, they piss gross.... well you get my drift:P
31) In one word, how would you describe yourself: insane.
32) Do you believe/appreciate romance: yes I do, But I have to be VERY in love (aka, brain functions OFF)
33) Favourite and least favourite food: I love carpaccio that would be my fave. Least fave.. red cabbage (shivers)
34) Do you believe in God/a higher power/whatever you want to call it: I believe that there is something out there. I am however allergic to organized religion.