It's hard for me to make just a 10 list.
Miranda Zero is awsome too, but her character is not really depth out in the one episode she played her.
I mean I know her from the comics, and yes shes awsome. But I tried to judge on the way Michelle played the characters. Messiah Michelle annoyes the crap out of me in the third movie. Susan is just a 'walk all over me' character. First she saves this guys LIFE and still he treats her like crap.
Sure hes stressed from work, but that is no excuse to treat your wife that way!
I havent seen Unthinkable, Its just impossible to find for some reason:( If someone has it, share please!
Kalifornia, yes its special to many. But I thought about it and there wasn't really something about Carrie tha was VERY special (xcept the crazy underwear perhaps). So I don't know, I guess she didn't speak to me as much as the other characters did.
You SHOULD see Wonderland, thats one of the best series she starred in. Im just very sad its only a few eps
Then the show got canceled. Supposedly it was too controversial for America. In Northern Europe the serie did very well actually. I would really say, GO see it. Its an entirely different side to Michelle's acting. But it shows she can pull off anything.