So, what can we do?
Loads, I figured out.
For one, if you want to contribute to the website, you need to create a ucoz account, its free and easy.
Then, you can log into this website and .. tada! You're an official member! a) Photo's: Of course we love to flail!
You can add photo's by going to the top bar of the screen (the blue bar) and then -> Addition -> Photo Albums. Here you can add content to the photo albums. If you need a new folder for a specific movie/event or whatever, drop a note here, in the shout box or in my inbox and I will create it for you.
b) News: Of course you can share any MF news here on the website and Ill post it on the news section on the website.
However, you can also add it to the BLOG.
Again go to Addition -> Blog and place it in the category for Michelle news.
c) Blog: So what did you do? Anything crazy or insane? Michelle related or non Michelle related, we're always happy to read the craziness. Just let me know and Ill create a folder for you
d) FORUM: perhaps most important, go to the forum and chat with all your fellow fans. But, I guess you're here already
RULES: Well, the regular be nice don't kill one another.. dont pull an Admiral Cain on us and the regular. I haven't set an age limit to the website cause I think most MF series/movies are already teen material but.. who knows, when the kiddies arrive we might have to change that
Most of all, just have fun!