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BartManDate: Thursday, 2011-03-03, 12:48 PM | Message # 331
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nah, dont think he's funny anymore. it was funny the first 2 times... but after 6 times.. :P
it's just sad for his family, his kids, parents, brother.
the sheen family had been through enough in the 70's (apocalypse now was HELL for martin sheen).

I give it a year or 2, and sheen will be found dead on the toilet...

VickyVampireDate: Thursday, 2011-03-03, 5:12 PM | Message # 332
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Yeah it does not look good for him,but drugs or not he is a funny intelligent guy I have enjoyed seeing him and listening to him for years on TV.
I need to laugh a little of course its not funny but if I don't laugh a little I will just cry about it. I tend to be to depressed about stuff like this so some humor helps me deal with it. I hope Charlie gets help. and on the other hand if he lives He will become a Legend Hedonist for all time Please.I'd rather have crazy honest charlie than an endless parade of apologetic celebrities that don't really mean it. and their false penitence only inspires contempt in this breast. someone commenting at AGREE. My fAV Movies of his Hot Shot Part Deux ,Platoon Scary Movie 3.:) sad

It snowing again we have temps in the 40's and 50'sthen a little snow again, can't wait for spring. sad

VickyVampireDate: Tuesday, 2011-03-22, 5:17 PM | Message # 333
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Happen to be channel surfing to set TV on something for my mom and behold Unthinkable is on LMN Channel. its 10:am here now anyway I noticed the actor who plays a desk Sargent or Capton in Unthinkable with Michelle., will be a policeman in the Killing I don't think its a major role but he's one of the cops in background I saw in one of the trailers. Not to Long before the Killing starts up YEAH!!!! biggrin
VickyVampireDate: Tuesday, 2011-04-26, 6:04 AM | Message # 334
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Hey Nan on occasion I check your Live journal to see if you have any new Michelle Vids I had not checked for awhile and noticed you had some Razor Wallpapers nice.
I read your having headaches again,sorry about your health,I truly hope it gets much better soon,
The whole headache thing is a little scary in June of 2009 I started having headaches that would not go away at base of neck,mine are from a bulging disc that flares on occasion.
I hope the Beta blockers help, My neurologist has me on Topiramate, Fioricet and Tizanidine.
So far they work Okay, but sometimes make me quite sleepy.
Well I hope you get to feeling better soon Nan.
smile sad
NanoukDate: Tuesday, 2011-04-26, 11:01 AM | Message # 335
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Hey Vicky,

Yeah Im good now. Doc prescribed me beta blockers. Keeping the blood pressure and metabolism low makes it physically impossible to have a migraine attack.
Im not too happy being on mental drugs though. I always prefer to keep the system as clean as possible. But for the time being Ill just have to live with it. Topiramate is an anti epilepsy drug If I payed good attention in Neuropharmacology smile Do you also have convulsions? The other two are muscle relaxing meds used for tension headaches smile Do they work for you? When I had a tension headache I could use anything but nothing worked. I had that as a teen really badly. But then after my accident I developed actual migraine. So I went on a triptophane, but these are not so good to take regularly (since they prevent blood from running into the brain). So if you have migraine more than twice a month they advice a drug you take daiy so there are the beta blockers LOL :P

Oh on other news, weather has been great. And my kitty enjoys it!

VickyVampireDate: Tuesday, 2011-04-26, 4:11 PM | Message # 336
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Yeah,hey I'm glad you are doing much better, no I have no problems with convulsions,Toprimate is part of my headache cocktail, It's just quite common in America for the Medical profession to prescribe drugs for other than their intended use.
Its called off- label use, Docs the world over it seems do it. It is kind of controversial though,and raises some ethical questions in medical community.

That's nice that your having good weather,here in Utah for past month we have had some flooding due to constant rain and thunder storms yeah, it feels like we stepped into The killing episodes with all the rain coming down on us hopefully it will clear up soon, everyone's tired of the rain.

NanoukDate: Tuesday, 2011-04-26, 4:58 PM | Message # 337
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If your rain is as loud as in The Killing, I would seriously worry haha smile
Yeah Im so happy with the weather. Got a really good tan! biggrin
BartManDate: Wednesday, 2011-04-27, 4:55 PM | Message # 338
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kinda hoping for rain here in the netherlands... feels like doomsday X_x
weather is way too good for way too long, it scares me!
NanoukDate: Wednesday, 2011-04-27, 7:03 PM | Message # 339
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Well all hell broke lose here, so its on your way:P
BartManDate: Thursday, 2011-04-28, 11:54 AM | Message # 340
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nope, not a drop!
sun kept on shining, a few clouds, 2 drops of water (literally) and then it was gone again, no rain here :P
VickyVampireDate: Saturday, 2011-05-07, 7:44 AM | Message # 341
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New little interview with Michelle May 6,Red Eye

VickyVampireDate: Friday, 2011-05-13, 7:06 AM | Message # 342
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Yeah besides the Redeye interview here is another little interview from vulture, Oh at end Michelle talks about liking comedy show NBC Community and really liking it right now very much my daughter turned me and hubby on to that show it's an insane show its crazy I don't even know why I like it. takes place at fictional college in Colorado.Very well written.

NanoukDate: Friday, 2011-05-13, 6:31 PM | Message # 343
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I just updated some iviews in the Updates folder smile Very nice.
I haven't yet read all of them smile
VickyVampireDate: Wednesday, 2011-06-15, 0:59 AM | Message # 344
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OK I also posted this link on Killing forum just in case did not see it here or anyway
There is new interview with Michelle talk is almost most assuredly Emmy nomination and I see she's nominated for a critic award also this particular interview is about thirty-five min, Yeah. smile

Spoilers for Season four of True blood that a Statue of Maryann Forrester is figured in back room of Moon Goddess Magic shop that features heavily in this season's witch storyline, maybe its nothing or maybe could Maryann be coming back for next fifth Season who knows, I do know Michelle has bangs again like Maryann something to think about and has said she would not mind returning to show, smile cool

Here is link to Interview.
meerkatladyDate: Friday, 2011-06-24, 8:35 PM | Message # 345
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Spoiler she is supposed to make an appearance in Season 4. *does the Snoopy dance* It involves Alcide I believe but maybe the witches too. I don't know.

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