Spesh for NanoForbes! hihih
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Added (2010-07-27, 7:43 PM)
Some of the people say, she should join this whole gang
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Added (2010-07-27, 7:45 PM)
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Added (2010-07-27, 7:53 PM)
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Added (2010-07-27, 8:05 PM)
Jane Badler - Michelle's lookie like..
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Added (2010-07-27, 8:07 PM)
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Added (2010-07-27, 8:16 PM)
Watch V the mini series, and V the final battle. You will see what I mean!!!Im not kiddin people. Not only she looks like Michelle, but she has the same way of smiling, talking to people and stuff like that.!
Added (2010-07-27, 8:19 PM)
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Added (2010-07-27, 8:28 PM)
Check this!!!!