Michelle Forbes with her fans ( Real Photos) :D
Neit | Date: Tuesday, 2010-07-27, 7:26 PM | Message # 16 |
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| The picture was taken at FedCon...It was 2 years ago my god
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VickyVampire | Date: Saturday, 2010-09-11, 7:27 PM | Message # 17 |
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| Added (2010-09-11, 7:27 PM) --------------------------------------------- I just realized that this picture I had in Whats on your mind should be here.OK I' a bit slow at all this still a complete neophyte when it comes to computers. PHOTOBUCKET IMAGE.[b]
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Nanouk | Date: Saturday, 2010-09-11, 7:30 PM | Message # 18 |
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| I think (almost sure) this was in Milton Keynes, not the first day though (Bart and me had our pic on the first day). But her hair ended up kinda exploded, I think she figured that out and went for a change of hair do:)
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BartMan | Date: Saturday, 2010-09-11, 8:19 PM | Message # 19 |
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| Yeah, she's wearing the same clothes, and has the same backdrop... good memories!
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VickyVampire | Date: Monday, 2010-09-13, 3:46 AM | Message # 20 |
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| Added (2010-09-13, 3:32 Am) --------------------------------------------- Wow Fraking Wow another Fan pick with Michelle.So love the Shirt Michelle is wearing I actually have a similar one in black. Added (2010-09-13, 3:46 Am) --------------------------------------------- Pick from Livejournal.com[b]
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Nanouk | Date: Monday, 2010-09-13, 7:38 AM | Message # 21 |
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| Oh she looks GOOD
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VickyVampire | Date: Saturday, 2010-09-18, 11:27 PM | Message # 22 |
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| Added (2010-09-18, 11:27 PM) --------------------------------------------- Fraking great another cool pic of Mishka,Michelle with a fan . From Photobucket. 
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Nanouk | Date: Sunday, 2010-09-19, 3:30 PM | Message # 23 |
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| Another Milton Keynes onneeee:P (a day 1 pic;))
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VickyVampire | Date: Monday, 2010-09-20, 2:26 AM | Message # 24 |
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| Added (2010-09-20, 2:26 Am) --------------------------------------------- Christ don't ask how I happen on these picks, happy accidents I looked at Michelle's general picks again on google and for some reason hit a pic of Michelle andthe chick who plays starbuck it was pic of battlestarfury that led me to website that comes up for pic new recent feature on google pics. and found this lady had a bunch of picks of things she attends. From Shades of moonlight.com
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Nanouk | Date: Monday, 2010-09-20, 8:10 AM | Message # 25 |
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Rebecca | Date: Monday, 2010-09-20, 3:10 PM | Message # 26 |
Group: Michelle Groupie
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| "LET'S BRING A FAKE BABY CHIMPANZEE INTO MY PICTURE WITH MICHELLE FORBES BECAUSE IT'S ~SO RELEVANT~" i don't wanna be mean but my god that picture and she's holding the monkey up like it's their baby or something! with a proud look on her face like they made it together! jesus 
Message edited by Rebecca - Monday, 2010-09-20, 3:24 PM |
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BartMan | Date: Monday, 2010-09-20, 3:16 PM | Message # 27 |
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| 8) all of a sudden, I don't look that weird on my picture! just terrified! :P
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VickyVampire | Date: Monday, 2010-09-20, 7:56 PM | Message # 28 |
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| Ok Bartman,Nan and Rebecca when I posted this pic I was just like a kid in a candy Store I'm always excited when I find a new Michelle pic. I glanced at monkey and thought OK Lady whatever floats your boat. HOLY SHIT PEOPLE, did not know this pic would be a firestorm your comments so damn funny. I have a dental appointment this afternoon you know dentist SHARP INSTRUmENTS IN MY MOUTH and dang it I know at some point I will be thinking of THE LADY,THE MONKEY AND MICHELLE and will try muffling a laugh sounds like title of movie huh. Yeah I started this silliness I will be LMAO today about this hell maybe the whole month FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! :D
Message edited by VickyVampire - Tuesday, 2010-09-21, 4:34 AM |
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Nanouk | Date: Tuesday, 2010-09-21, 9:27 AM | Message # 29 |
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| Hy we're still happy you posted! I mean it has very cute Michelle on it. However, we are pro-mocking :P So the monkey thing.. its just not done:P Plus it looks... scarry!
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VickyVampire | Date: Tuesday, 2010-09-21, 5:28 PM | Message # 30 |
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| Oh yes Nan maybe I'm to desensitized these days,hey my comments its all in fun,yes i can be a bit dramatic at times thats all. By the way besides Michelle ,the lady who calls herself Miss Kitten had the monkey in two other celebrity pics with Jewel Staite from Stargate Atlantis and Sean Maher who plays on warehouse 13. have no clue why she picked Michelle and the other tWO to have her Monkey in pic. I mean she took pic with Nicki Clyne .James Callis,Katee Sakooloff no damn monkey.go figure. [b]By the WAY Nan i know your just dieing to know the Monkeys name is SIMON HA HA. Yes at least she could have had a pleasant looking monkey like Curious George etc.[/b]
Message edited by VickyVampire - Tuesday, 2010-09-21, 5:34 PM |
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