This location list has carefully been put together by researching many... MANY michelle movies, and see where she ends up!
We'll work from 10 tot 1!
10: Prison - Prison Break, American Girl, Black Day Blue Night, Wonderland. in one weird way, Michelle always gets hassled by the police, and even ends up in prison, or has to work there!
9: Tabacco Store - She smokes... A lot... in EVERY movie.
8: 90's clothing stores - Road Killers, Homicide, Star Trek. She really, REALLY has to work on her wardrobe in those 90's movies and series, even in those years, what were the costume designers THINKING!
7: Outer Space - Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek. She goes EVERYWHERE, We know that she likes to travel, but she's even been in the most remote locations in Outer space!
6: Wild West - Johnson County, Road Killers, Kalifornia, Bullfighter Yeah, she needs to run... A LOT... Mostly from a psycho killer, and Michelle always thinks it's a great idea to run into the Desert!
5: Morgue - Homicide, Durham County, Black Day Blue Nights, Swimming with Sharks. She either dies, or works in the morgue! Good chance she's there to spend another night!
4: Hospital - Almost every movie She either gets hurt, or... worse... GETS PREGNANT! And we all know that pregnancy for Michelle, almost always leads to her inevitable death!
3: Gas Station - Road Killers, Black Day Blue Night, Bullfighter, etc. She always drives her car, and needs to fill it up, at the most remote and scary looking gas stations! Which leads us to Number 2 on the list!
2: Car Wrecks - Road Killers, Black Day Blue Night, Bullfighter. American Girl. Once her car is filled with gas, you can count the minutes she drives, because after 5, she will often crash her car, it will explode, cook up, get 4 flats at the same time, but it always comes to a complete stand still!
1: BAD SCRIPT WRITERS! Road Killers, Kalifornia, Escape from LA. Really, most of her movies are... well not BAD, but badly WRITTEN! I love her characters, her acting, her badassness, but the movies are so poorly written, that they become downright horrible to watch! you just fast forward to the Michelle parts, because they are without a doubt the BEST of the movie!
well, get your hunting gear ready! and go find Michelle. When you spot her, post your freshly shot PICTURE! (Do NOT! Shoot Michelle with anything else than a camera!)
Good luck!