Main » 2010»August»28 » Michelle Forbes on Breakfast Television Toronto
7:46 PM
Michelle Forbes on Breakfast Television Toronto
Michelle was on Toronto's breakfast Television. *sigh* Fan Expo.... I' m expecting a LOT of awsome pictures you guys! Im a bit bummed I can't go, but I hope shell be back in Europe soon! Anyway here's the vid Source: The Eye of Raven
I agree. I think she just wants to experience anything she can. Not being stuck on one thing. Which sounds like a great philosophy in life if you ask me.
Michelle comes across as a person that constantly challenges herself and grows,by taking on roles that in some instances are dark and even in funny roles or snippet part like she had in lost she seems to give her all in very subtle depths If she's that dedicated to her work,which amazes us to no end then maybe its just me but I get the feeling she lives at making her personal life fulfilling has her work exudes in spades.